Tuesday 15 November 2011

Corruption in India

Political, bureaucratic, corporate and individual corruption in India are major concerns. A 2005 study conducted by Transparency International in India found that more than 55% of Indians had first-hand experience of paying bribes or influence peddling to get jobs done in public offices successfully.[1][2]
Transparency International estimates that truckers pay US$5 billion in bribes annually.[3] In 2010 India was ranked 87th out of 178 countries in Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index.
“The recent scams involving unimaginably big amounts of money, such as the 2G spectrum scam, are well known. It is estimated that more than trillion dollars are stashed away in foreign havens, while 80% of Indians earn less than 2$ per day and every second child is malnourished. It seems as if only the honest people are poor in India and want to get rid of their poverty by education, emigration to cities, and immigration, whereas all the corrupt ones, li] are getting rich through scams and crime. It seems as if India is a rich country filled with poor people",[4] the organisers of Dandi March II in the United States said.[5]
The Comptroller and Auditor General of India said, “As on March 31, 2010, unutilised committed external assistance was of the order of Rs.1,05,339 crore.
Black money refers to money removed from the official economy (via corruption, bribery, etc.) and stored outside of the country. According to a 2010 The Hindu article, unofficial estimates indicate that Indians had over US$1456 billion in black money stored in Swiss banks (approximately USD 1.4 trillion).[19] While some news reports claimed that date provided by the Swiss Banking Association Report (2006) showed India has more black money than the rest of the world combined,[20][21] a more recent report quoted the SBA's Head of International Communications as saying that no such official statistics exist.[22] Another report said that Indian-owned Swiss bank account assets are worth 13 times the country’s national debt

Tuesday 30 August 2011

10 Ways To Improve Your Personality
The "personality" is the typical pattern of thinking, feeling, and behaviors that make a person unique.
When we say that someone has a "good personality" we mean that they are likeable, interesting and pleasant to be with. 
Everyone wants to be attractive to others.  To that end, having a good personality is vital - probably even more so than good looks. In fact, approximately 85 percent of your success and happiness will be a result of how well you interact with others. Ultimately, it is your personality that determines whether people are attracted to, or shy away from you.
While we can only enhance our looks to a certain extent, we have the ability to improve the personality as much as we want. We can develop or integrate any trait we deem fitting and agreeable.

Here are some ways we can accomplish this: 

1.    Be a better listener.
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was considered one of the most charming women in the world because she cultivated the skill of being an exceptional listener. She was known for the way she would look a person in the eyes,  hang on their every word, and make them feel important. There is nothing more appealing than having someone listen to you intently making you feel like you're the only person in the world.
2.    Read more and expand your interests.
The more you read and cultivate new interests, the more interesting you are to others. When you meet new people it gives you the opportunity to share what you know and to exchange your views with them. 
3.    Be a good conversationalist.
This relates to how much you read and know. Once you have much to contribute, learn how to talk about it with others. No one can read about or know everything, so it's refreshing to learn from others those things we don't have the time to about read ourselves. If you happen to be shy, join a group like Toastmasters that encourages you to talk about what you know.

4.    Have an Opinion.
There is nothing more tiresome than trying to talk to someone who has no opinion on anything. A conversation has nowhere to go if you have nothing to expound on. If, however, you have an uncommon point of view or differing opinion, you are more interesting and stimulating to be with socially.
5.    Meet New People.
Make the effort to meet new people especially those unlike you. It not only exposes you to different cultures and alternative ways of doing things, it broadens your horizons. 
6.    Be yourself.
The next most tiresome thing after having no opinions is trying to be something you're not. Molding yourself in order to fit in, or be accepted, usually backfires. Since each of us is unique, expressing that uniqueness is what makes us interesting. Attempting to be a carbon copy of someone else not only falls flat, but reveals a lack of authenticity. 

7.    Have a positive outlook and attitude.
Who wants to be around people who are negative, complain a lot, or have nothing good to say? In fact, most of us run when we see them coming. Instead, be the kind of upbeat person who lights up a room with your energy when you enter it. Do it by looking for the best in people and things. Smile warmly, spread good cheer, and enliven others with your presence.
8.    Be fun and see the humorous side of life.
Everyone enjoys the company of someone who makes them laugh, or smile, so look for the humorous, quirky side in a situation - there always is one. Comic relief is a much welcome and needed diversion at times. When you can add fun and lightheartedness to an otherwise dull or gloomy setting, others will naturally be attracted to you, not to mention grateful.

9.    Be supportive of others.
Being supportive is probably the most endearing quality you can integrate into your personality. Just as you yourself welcome it, be the support for others when they need it. We all love a cheerleader in our corner; someone who is encouraging, believes in us and helps pick us up when we're down.
10.  Have Integrity and treat people with respect.
Being honest and true to your word will bring you the admiration, respect and gratitude of others. Nothing improves a person's personality more than integrity and respect - respect for others, as well as respect for yourself.
We humans have the power and ability to shape our personalities however we wish. When we develop ourselves to be all that we can be, we contribute to our own, as well as the happiness of others.

4 Tips For The Successful Businessman By YUVRAJ SAINI

1. Vision

Bald eagles are birds that can often be found on very high
altitudes. There they soar and with their very sharp eyesight
they have a clear view on the world below them and especially
on the prey they want to catch; fish, that is what they like
most.They can see the milky white spot in the water from a
distance of many miles. In high places they build their nests.
On a rock, on the top of a tree but always on a spot where they
have a good view on the world that surrounds them. And from
their castle they see what is happening around them and that
gives security.

The businessman should also have a clear view on what is
happening in the market. From very far he should recognize his
potential customers and "attack" them at the right moment. At
the same time he should be aware of the dangers that surround
him, anticipate, absorb the environment and be prepared to act

2. Knowledge

Bald eagles are confined to their territories. With the seasons
some migrate but you find bald eagles only in a specific habitat
namely forests, mountains and near sea and rivers. You won't
find them in the desert. In their habitat they know what to do,
where they can find prey and which dangers surround them. By
instinct and by learning they have knowledge about the way they
have to conduct their lives and about how they have to behave
in this habitat. They will never go beyond the limitations of this
frame work. If they do, they die.

This holds a lesson for the businessman. He should know
everything about his business and when I say everything, I mean
everything. He should know all about the products he sells from
beginning to end, every detail should be an open book to him.
He can never be surprised with questions on which he has no
answers. He should know about marketing techniques, the
position and plans of competitors etc., etc. And if he doesn't
possess this knowledge by nature, he has to learn it.

3. Enough is enough

When Bald Eagles catch prey, they will catch only one fish at a
time. It is not possible for them to catch more. But they know
precisely how to catch this one fish. Their flying skills, their
strong talons and their eyesight are extremely well developed
and fit for the job. Almost every attempt to catch a prey is

This phenomenom also holds a wise lesson for the businessman.
He has to restrict himself to a number of products he can handle
and products that matches his skills and abilities. To stay in
the animal world: if you are a cow don't try to jump fences like
a horse. People will only laugh at you. It is better to sell one
product very well than ten without a satisfying result.

4. Courage

Bald eagles mate for life and they are absolutely loyal to each
other. From high altitudes the two birds tumble down in a
dangerous free fall. Mocking the laws of gravity they unite.
Only just above the tree tops they separate and fly wing by wing
to the nest. This spectacular show requires great courage. A
businessman also needs courage to be successful. He has to make
decisions about difficult and uncertain subjects. And he also
needs to know when to stop his free fall. Having courage to make
difficult decisions is not synonymous for being reckless. A
decision that leads to disaster is not a decision, but a wild

You see....the businessman can learn a great deal from this
majestic bird that embodies not only beauty, strength and
freedom but that possesses also the essential conditions and
abilities to survive.

The beginning businessman as well, who is maybe starting his
business in great uncertainty about the future, can learn from
the bald eagle:

Saturday 20 August 2011


Today I read two different newspapers in the morning. One mentioned that prices rise and the other said that they fall. I am already used to hear one day that economy gets better and the other day that it gets worse but reading two opposite news at the same day is an extreme that let me think of the quality of messages and articles in the news in general.

Thinking of the last months. I would say that
  • some things (especially food) got more expensive in the last months,
  • electric devices got cheaper,
  • mobile phones got again cheaper, also the charges but they tend to urge you to make contracts for the next two years instead of one as in the past (maybe they expect prices to fall within the next two years),
  • Services got more expensive,

type of रुद्राक्ष & important

भगवान शंकर के स्वरूप से रूद्राक्ष जुड़ा हुआ है। भगवान शंकर के उपासक इन्हें माला के रूप में पहनते हैं। रुद्राक्ष के 14 प्रकार शिवमहापुराण के विद्येश्वरसंहिता में बताए गए हैं। सभी का अलग-अलग महत्व है, जो इस प्रकार हैं- 

एक मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष साक्षात शिव का स्वरूप है। वह भोग और मोक्ष प्रदान करता है। जहां इस रूद्राक्ष की पूजा होता है वहां से लक्ष्मी दूर नहीं जाती।

दो मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष देवदेवेश्वर कहा गया है। यह संपूर्ण कामनाओं और मनोवांछित फल देने वाला है। 

तीन मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष सदा साक्षात साधन का फल देने वाला है उसके प्रभाव से सारी विद्याएं प्रतिष्ठित होती हैं। 

चार मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष ब्रह्मा का स्वरूप है। उसके दर्शन तथा स्पर्श से धर्म, अर्थ, काम मोक्ष की प्राप्ति होती है। 

पांच मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष कालाग्निरुद्ररूप है। वह सब कुछ करने में समर्थ है। सबको मुक्ति देने वाला तथा संपूर्ण मनोवांछित फल प्रदान करने वाला है।

: मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष कार्तिकेय का स्वरूप है। इसे धारण करने वाला ब्रह्महत्या के पाप से मुक्त हो जाता है। 

सात मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष अनंगस्वरूप और अनंग नाम से प्रसिद्ध है। इसे धारण करने वाला दरिद्र भी राजा बन जाता है। 

आठ मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष अष्टमूर्ति भैरवस्वरूप है। इसे धारण करने वाला मनुष्य पूर्णायु होता है। 

नौ मुख वाले रुद्राक्ष को भैरव तथा कपिल-मुनि का प्रतीक माना गया है। 

दस मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष भगवान विष्णु का रूप है। इसे धारण करने वाले मनुष्य की संपूर्ण कामनाएं पूर्ण हो जाती हैं। 

ग्यारह मुखवाला रुद्राक्ष रुद्ररूप है इसे धारण करने वाला सर्वत्र विजयी होता है। 

बारह मुखवाले रुद्राक्ष को धारण करने पर मानो मस्तक पर बारहों आदित्य विराजमान हो जाते हैं।

तेरह मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष विश्वदेवों का रूप है। इसे धारण कर मनुष्य सौभाग्य और मंगल लाभ करता है। 

चौदह मुख वाला रुद्राक्ष परम शिवरूप है। इसे धारण करने पर समस्त पापों का नाश हो जाता